Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Advocacy 101 :: Courteous Language..

In circumstances of advocacy and self-advocacy, the use of courteous, heartfelt language, even under the most challenging, adverse of situations, can and does beget the respectful, attentive ear of others..

Speaking most humbly from these fingertips after witnessing the outcome of numerous exchanges, conversations across the glorious WWW.......

Delving into the who, what, whens, and where-not-tos along with when it does become "totally time to" with respect to the impacts of language usage as ourselves and under the guise of Internet anonymity are a must-have-do for any disability advocacy and self-advocacy training programs as part of the provided curriculum.. The difference in verbiage applied can be the difference between our injustices being truly Heard or being shut out for good..

THAT said, I do believe I will continue to most unhumbly stand by my own renaming of our dear Dr. Uncouth for his language used during his advocation for hastening the death of our vulnerable populations.. That was indubitably so a totally time to...

:wink, cyber hugs:

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