Tuesday, April 10, 2007

PUBLIC NOTICE to iPowerWeb.com: Request for an immediate cease and desist..

To whom it may concern at iPowerWeb.com, interchangeable with "VDeck"..

As privately forwarded to your attention very early this A.M., this is my promised public notice of intent to pursue legal channels of cease and desist against your company regarding your use of my publicly established identity of (but not necessarily limited to):

  • ButterflyBytes.com, otherwise recognized as Butterfly Bytes, Web Design by Cindy Sue
  • Calendar.ButterflyBytes.com, otherwise recognized as Georgia Disability Advocates' Calendar
  • SixAlmostSeven.ButterflyBytes.com, otherwise recognized as Six. Almost Seven.. A [psychiatric survivor] advocates for change..
  • Cadillac.ButterflyBytes.com, otherwise known as Country Country Club, Family-operated sports bar and grill

How important do I consider this request for a cease and desist of your current (mis)use of my sweat and tear established cyber identit(y/ies)..? Three words, the three very simple words of "Six", "Almost", and "Seven" from the English language, when entered into the widely recognized search engine, Google, ranked Numbers Two and Three of 29 million plus returned possible outcomes just this very second.. THAT'S how important this is to me..

Six. Almost Seven.. was just beginning to find its speed in the world of mental health and disability advocacy.. Sitting in my inbox currently are several "thank yous" from individuals who have found my Life-experience garnered leads to self-advocacy and support beneficial.. We are talking about individuals who are themselves or who have family members or friends experiencing some level of suicide related crisis and/or suicide survival.. This is very, very personal on any number of levels..

Because you have chosen the path you did with respect to my account with your company (related correspondence to be posted within later, including the original final timely email from me stating all was hunky-dory, was cool, was covered by a financial supporter with respect to your "lightly-announced", ill-timed deduction from an assoicated bank account), you are now using MY self-identity(ies) of Six. Almost Seven.., Georgia Disability Advocates' Calendar, and Butterfly Bytes, Web Design by Cindy Sue along with my friend's brand newly established cyber identity of Cadillac County Club to redirect to your sole benefit.. MY cyber identities, the ones that have taken nearly ten years to create and establish, are now being used by you to your monetary benefit..

To that end, and as was first brought to your attention a reasonable eight business hours ago, you are officially notified of my request for you to cease and desist using my cyber identities to your monetary benefit now..

Thanking you in advance for your full cooperation in this very serious matter..

As stated earlier in my private correspondence to you, best wishes in your future business endeavors..


Cindy Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Georgia

Ref: Butterfly Bytes
Six. Almost Seven..
Georgia Disability Advocates' Calendar
Cadillac Country Club

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Blue Ribbon Camapaign :: Free Speech Online..

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