Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Little Red Car Go "Foom"..!

If it rains when it pours, I've been wading it out in a bleeping monsoon the last few years.......

The latest adventure came right in the middle of things ALMOST looking, feeling for a nanosecond like they might go on an upswing.. Had just finished making a deposit from funds a friend had given me and was two seconds out of the Regions Bank there in Jasper, 'twixt and 'tween CVS Pharmacy and the Marathon gas station..

Was headed over here to the library to complete a transaction I had started then try to keep that feel of a Life-oriented upswing in (forward) motion.. Next thing I know..........

Little Red Car goes..


And stops dead in her tracks right there on the street with 4:00pm traffic looming large in the near future.. A kindly Jasper Police Department officer along with a stranger I never got to thank helped push her out of the way, and R&R Towing completed the task of getting her safely home..

The $2.95 question of the day is..............

Now what.....................?????

Cyber hugs..

Posted in recent memory of :: Big Tree Go BOOM.. :giggle:

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